Page 24 - Piper PA-20 Interactive Digital Parts Catalog
P. 24


            This illustrated Parts Catalog is designed to provide simple hut positive     a. The serial numbers of the aircraft covered by this parts catalog are
            identification of replacement parts for the Piper Pacer PA-20 Models   as follows:
            “115”, “125” and “135” and the Piper Tri-Pacer PA-22 Models “125”, and      (1)  Serial numbers of the 1950 PA-20 Models “115” and “125” are
            “135” manufactured by the Piper Aircraft Corporation of Lock Haven,   20-1 to 20-553 inclusive.
            Pennsylvania.                                          (2)  Serial numbers of the 1951 PA-20 Models “125” are 20-554 to
                                                                      20-811 inclusive.
            It is suggested that this catalog be thoroughly studied to determine its      (3)  Serial numbers of the 1952 PA-20 Models “125” are 20-812 to
            arrangement prior to its utilization.                     20-876 inclusive.
                                                                   (4)  Serial numbers of the 1952 PA-20 Models “135” are 20-877 to
            1. The catalog is divided into twelve (12) major sections described as   20-933 inclusive.
              follows:                                             (5)  Serial numbers of the 1953 PA-20 Models “135” are 20-934 and
              a. Section  I  to  X  inclusive  contains  all  replacement  parts  for  the   up.
               complete airplane. Each section is subdivided and each division      (6)  Serial numbers of the 1951 PA-22 Models “125” are 22-1 to 22-
               includes an illustration and a parts listing.          353 inclusive.
              b. Section XI is the Miscellaneous Section or available kits.     (7)  Serial numbers of the 1952 PA-22 Models “125” are 22-354 to
              c.  Section XII is the Numerical Index. This is a listing by part number in   22-533 inclusive.
               numerical sequence of all parts listed in the catalog and indicates      (8)  Serial numbers of the 1952 PA-22 Models “135” are 22-534 to
               in which figure tor figures) the parts are located. (See page iii Table   22-806 inclusive.
               of Contents.)                                       (9)  Serial numbers of the 1953 PA-22 Models “135” are 22-807 and
            2. The following is a brief explanation of the columns in the parts listing:    b. All items of Optional Equipment are contained in the parts list in
              a. The “FIGURE AND INDEX” column indicates the illustration figure   their proper sequence and sections. These items were not marked
               number and its part index number. Example: (2-1), the 2 is the   optional, since they are fully identified by their descriptions.
               figure number and the 1 is the index number. The figure number     c.  The model designation “135” pertains to the PA-20 Pacer and PA-22
               appears  only  at  the  top  of  each  parts  listing  page  or  at  the   Tri-Pacer aircraft equipped with the Lycoming O-290-D2 engine.
               beginning of each new parts listing.               d. The rear seat heater was installed on all Model PA-20 “135” aircraft
              b. The “PART NUMBER” column contains the identifying number of   with the exception of airplanes serial numbers 20-877, 20-881,20-
               the replacement part and this number must be shown on all Parts   885 and 20-888 and on all Model PA-22 “135” aircraft with the
               Orders.                                              exception of airplanes serial numbers 22-535, 22-536, 22-537, 22-
              c.  The “CODE”  column  is  for  the  purpose  of  indicating  applicable   538, 22-539 and 22-543.
               aircraft serial numbers and special uses of the part. An explanation
               of the letter code used is shown below each listing:             HOW TO ORDER PARTS
              d. The “NOMENCLATURE” column indicates the part name. This name
               must be shown on all Parts Orders.               In  ordering  parts  for  your  Piper  Airplane,  observe  the  following
              e. The “NO.  REQ.”  (Number  Required)  column  represents  the  total   instructions  which  will  aid  in  your  getting  the  right  parts  required
               quantity of parts used per aircraft per figure when the part is not   without delay:
               indented and the quantity of parts used per assembly when the     a. Place your order with the distributor for your territory. If he does
               part is indented. (See indention explanation note, page U.) The   not  have  the  required  parts,  he  will  promptly  order  from  the
               symbol “AR” listed in this column means “As Required”.  factory. In the majority of cases, parts are available only through
              f.  The “MODEL”  column  indicates  the  part  application  by  airplane   your distributor, and it is necessary that we forward your order to
               model and year.                                      your distributor to be filled. Considerable time will be saved by
                                                                    following this procedure.
            3. The “ATTACHING  PARTS”  such  as  nuts,  bolts,  screws,  etc.,  that  are     b. Always specify the model and serial number of your airplane.
              available as commercial hardware items are not generally supplied by     c.  Always specify Part Number, Name, type and quantity required.
              the Piper Aircraft Corporation. The catalog lists, for your convenience,     d. Specify the method of shipment – freight, express, air express,
              those attaching parts required for main assemblies and installations.   air mail, or parcel post. Most parts are shipped by parcel post or
              The identifying number for these parts appears after the part name.  express, but where the nature of the shipment requires it or when
                                                                    no instructions are given, we reserve the right to ship the most
            4. The following information should be kept in mind when ordering   suitable way.
              from this catalog:

            Date of Issue – March 1954
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