Page 7 - Aeronca 11AC Interactive Service Manual
P. 7
Rate of Climb .........................................................................500 ft. per minute (Sea Level)
Fuel Capacity .........................................................................15 gallons – Main Tank, 8 gal. – Auxiliary
Cruising Range – Main Tank (No reserve) ............................270 miles
Cruising Range – Both Tanks (No reserve) ...........................420 miles
Level in fore and aft direction by supporting tail on stand and placing bubble level on the cabin floor.
When bubble is centered in level, the aircraft is longitudinally level.
The plus 2° angle of dihedral is fixed by the length of the front strut.
The angle of incidence, which is plus 10 at the leading edge over the trailing edge through the five foot
chord of the wing, is fixed in the manufacturer of the airplane at the wing root fittings on the fuselage.
The angle of incidence at the rib nearest the strut point attachment fitting of the wing may be corrected
to the corresponding angle of incidence at the root, by adjusting the screw adjustment at the lower end
of the rear strut where it attaches to the front strut.
For rigging purposes a bubble level should be laid along the bottom of the butt rib between the spars. The
level may be shimmed with a small block on the leading edge end of the level until bubble is centered. Tape
the shim in place and move level to the rib adjacent to the strut attaching points, parallel with the rib and
between the spars. This will offer a reference means of alignment. By adjusting rear strut lower end fitting
until bubble is centered in level, the proper angle of incidence along entire wing will be accomplished.
If after flight test the airplane has a tendency toward wing heaviness, the necessary wash in or wash out
may be secured by adjusting the rear strut at its lower attachment point.
CAUTION: Only a C.A.A. licensed aircraft mechanic should attempt the assembly and rigging of wings
and struts.